Why Isnt My Tamale Masa Floating

Why Isnt My Tamale Masa Floating

Why Isn't My Tamale Masa Floating?

Masa is an essential component of making tamales, but if yours isn't floating, something may be wrong. In this article, we'll explore why your tamale masa isn't floating, and what you can do to fix it.

What Is Masa?

Masa is a dough made from corn that is a staple of Mexican cuisine. It is used to make dishes such as tamales, pupusas, and tortillas. It's usually made from either corn flour, corn masa (a type of flour made from dried and ground corn kernels), or a combination of the two.

Why Is Masa Important for Tamales?

Masa is the main component of tamales, forming the doughy exterior. It is usually mixed with other ingredients such as lard, baking powder, and seasonings, and then spread on a corn husk and filled with a savory or sweet filling. The masa is then wrapped in the corn husk, and steamed until cooked.

Why Isn't My Masa Floating?

If your masa isn't floating when cooked, it's likely because the masa was not mixed properly. When making tamales, the masa should be mixed until it is light and airy. This is done by adding liquid (usually water or chicken broth) and beating it until it is light and fluffy. If the masa is not mixed properly, it will be dense and will not float.

How Do I Fix It?

If your masa isn't floating, it's likely because it was not mixed properly. You can fix this by adding more liquid and re-mixing the masa until it is light and airy. You can also add a bit of baking powder to help lighten the mixture. If the masa is still too dense, you can add a bit more lard or shortening to help loosen it up.


If your tamale masa isn't floating, chances are it has not been mixed properly. To fix this problem, simply add more liquid and re-mix the masa until it is light and airy. You can also add a bit of baking powder and lard or shortening to help loosen the mixture. With a few simple adjustments, you can have perfect tamales with fluffy masa every time.

Why Isnt My Tamale Masa Floating

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